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Research Article

Enhancing ‘M-Health’ With South-To-South Collaborations

  1. Walter H. Curioso ( [email protected] ) is a research professor at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Peru; and affiliate assistant professor of biomedical and health informatics at the University of Washington in Seattle.
  2. Patricia N. Mechael is mHealth and Telemedicine Advisor for the Millennium Villages Project at Columbia University in New York City.
PUBLISHED:No Accesshttps://doi.org/10.1377/hlthaff.2009.1057

Partnerships among health care and information technology researchers and designers worldwide are creating mobile health tools tailored to local community needs and resources. Much of the hardware and infrastructure comes from developed countries of the so-called global North. From both these countries as well as developing countries in the global “South” are coming applications that enable health workers to collect and organize data, access diagnostic and treatment support, and promote healthy behavior. Most are still in pilots or demonstration phases, but their use is accelerating.

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